Value chain and supply chain sustainability 

Improve efficiency, cut costs and become more resilient by taking action on value chain and supply chain carbon emissions and resource use. 


Up to 90% of an organisation’s environmental impact lies in the value chain - either upstream (supply chain) or downstream eg product use phase. Analysing and taking action on your value chain is therefore a vital step for any business that wants to become more sustainable and prepare for a low carbon economy. The Carbon Trust are leaders in this field having co-authored the Scope 3 Calculation Guidance for the GHG Protocol’s Corporate Value Chain Standard. 

How we can help 

Our team of experts will assess the carbon and environmental impacts and risks across your organisation's value chain. We’ll work with you to set realistic strategies and targets that deliver efficiency and reputational gains, mitigate risks, cut costs and increase revenue.  All our services are tailored to your organisation and resources. We can undertake full data collection and modelling, or just provide guidance and direction to your own team. 


A holistic view of resources and energy use helps all business units understand their impacts and risks across the broader value chain. 

Identify hotspots and prioritise action 
Data can be evaluated using a wide range of metrics including supplier, materials, brand, region, lifecycle stage or packaging format. This holistic view fosters better collaboration across business units and partners. 

Ensure your value chain is fit for the future 
We'll analyse a range of future scenarios, and help quantify the financial and environmental impacts for: 

  • Business growth - What impact will different strategies have for different regions? 
  • Product design - How do decisions impact the supply chain or the customer use phase? 
  • Supply chain configuration - Which suppliers are at most risk from fluctuating energy prices or climate change impacts? 
  • Risk assessment  - What will the impact on market share be as more sustainable alternatives are introduced? 

Supply Chain Diagnostic 

If you want to understand where to start on your journey, to develop a plan of action, or benchmark your performance against best practice, our Supply Chain Diagnostic will help you rapidly determine where to focus effort. The diagnostic helps organisations to quantify risks and opportunities, build an initial case for action, and assess where management processes and strategies can be improved. Areas of action are tailored to the priorities and context of organisations, and can range from energy and carbon to water and security of supply.